Contact Us
We would be interested in your views regarding the distribution of the Unison shares. We would also be very interested in any questions you have regarding the operation of the Trust, and perhaps the performance of the Trustees in carrying out their mandatory and legal duties.
Please email us here if you would like to support us.
If you have questions that might be of interest to other consumers we will do our best to answer them.
If you have any comments we would be pleased to receive them.
We can be reached at:
We guarantee that the information and details we collect will ONLY be used to establish a verifiable count of ICP owners who are keen to manage their own shares in Unison.
We will collect responses and publish the results via this website as soon as possible.
We guarantee we will never divulge your name, or any other details, to anyone.
We guarantee we will never sell your email address, or other details to anyone.