Comments and Sample Response Letters

The Report from the directors of Unison to the Trustees which is an analysis of the Ownership options that the Trustees must consider, has been published. We make a number of comments regarding the report in the section "Review Comments", under this menu heading.

There is a lot to read, but it is important that you know this stuff.

The Trustees MUST act for the benefit of the Beneficiaries. But, for them to understand your wishes it is important that YOU submit a response too.

We include under the menu heading "Sample Letters", the letter we sent on behalf of all the Supporters of Free the Funds, and also the Sample Letters that we provided for supporters to use and edit, as they wish.

The Trust Deed, in Rule 4.4, provides ONLY three options for the Trustees. In our view, and the whole basis of our website and the Free the Funds movement, is that the shares in Unison Networks should be distributed to the consumers/beneficiaries to own and manage on their own behalf.

We welcome support from everyone in Hawkes Bay. However, please understand that we can only count one vote per ICP, but we will count ALL ICPs.

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