Thank you for joining our growing team of Free The Funds supporters.
Our strength lies in numbers.
We need a groundswell of opinion supporting the need for change to influence the Unison directors, and the Trustees.
Join our Team and help spread the word. We have more than 400 people registered as supporters of Free the Funds. These are real people, with real names.
We know that many more people are very keen on the option of owning their shares in Unison directly, but for their own reasons they have not yet registered with us.
Tell your friends. We would love to have them as supporters too.
We have compiled important comments on the Ownership Review reports under the heading . . . "Ownership Review".
We have also added a new Q and A page, with an invitation to any Consumers to ask questions relating to the Trust operation . . . "Q and A".
We are keen to receive your questions and hear your views.
The Trustees are bound by the Trust Deed and by law to act for the benefit of the Beneficiaries. The Ownership Review reports produced in 2023 fail to address the fundamental issues that the Trustees MUST consider. Recent legal opinions outline these responsibilities in detail.
Your support and opinion is important.